Probably somebody blogged about this, but I couldn't find it.
So, if you need to check ORDS version and you only have access to APEX Builder you can do it by running following SQL query in SQL Workshop > SQL Commands:
If you need to check other environment variables you can do it by running following PL/SQL block:
Edit no. 1 (thanks to Robert Schafer):
You can also query:
Edit no. 2 (thanks to Christian Neumuller)
Tested on APEX and ORDS 3.0.*
So, if you need to check ORDS version and you only have access to APEX Builder you can do it by running following SQL query in SQL Workshop > SQL Commands:
select owa_util.get_cgi_env('APEX_LISTENER_VERSION') from dual;
If you need to check other environment variables you can do it by running following PL/SQL block:
begin owa_util.print_cgi_env; end;
Edit no. 1 (thanks to Robert Schafer):
You can also query:
select ords.installed_version from dual
Edit no. 2 (thanks to Christian Neumuller)
You can also open Help > About dialog in APEX to see the most important CGI variables and some additional info about APEX and database.
Tested on APEX and ORDS 3.0.*
select * from apex_release; --works as well