Friday, November 25, 2022

APEX 22.2 Clear Active Tab

From APEX version 22.2 there's a changed behavior how active tabs or region display selectors (RDS) are stored in the browser session storage:

In versions before 22.2 they were stored without a prefix (session storage scope) and now they are stored with the prefix ORA_WWV_apex.apexTabs.

In some of my applications I've used a custom JS function to clear active tab:

* Clear Active Tab
* @param {number} pPageId - Page Number
* @param {string} pRegionId - Region Static ID
function clearActiveTab(pPageId,pRegionId){
var vStorage;
if ( {
vStorage ={
useAppId: true
vStorage.setItem(pPageId+'.'+pRegionId+'.activeTab', null)

From APEX 22.2 you need to set prefix:

* Clear Active Tab
* @param {number} pPageId - Page Number
* @param {string} pRegionId - Region Static ID
function clearActiveTab(pPageId,pRegionId){
var vStorage;
if ( {
vStorage ={
prefix: 'ORA_WWV_apex.apexTabs',
useAppId: true
vStorage.setItem(pPageId+'.'+pRegionId+'.activeTab', null)

Tested in APEX 22.2.0