Monday, February 18, 2013

APEX debug levels

From time to time I run into some new stuff about APEX. So few days ago I was investigating something about debug messages and figured it out that there are different levels of debug messages in APEX.

You probably know that as a sixth argument in APEX URL you can pass either YES or NO and that will turn on/off page debugging (if it's enabled in application properties). So the thing I discovered is that you can also pass LEVELn where n is between 1 and 9 and stands for level of debug detail to display. The value of YES is equal to LEVEL4.

If you take a look at apex_debug package specification you can see meaning of each level (although missing levels 3 and 7):

-- critical error
c_log_level_error        constant t_log_level := 1; 

-- less critical error
c_log_level_warn         constant t_log_level := 2; 

-- default level if debugging is enabled (e.g. used by apex_application.debug)
c_log_level_info         constant t_log_level := 4; 

-- application: messages when procedures/functions are entered
c_log_level_app_enter    constant t_log_level := 5; 

-- application: other messages within procedures/functions
c_log_level_app_trace    constant t_log_level := 6; 

-- apex engine: messages when procedures/functions are entered
c_log_level_engine_enter constant t_log_level := 8; 

-- apex engine: other messages within procedures/functions
c_log_level_engine_trace constant t_log_level := 9; 

You can set this level when adding debug messages manually using apex_debug.message procedure.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Closing Modal Page on button click

If you are using SkillBuilders Modal Page Plugin (version 2.0.0 that uses ColorBox) and want to close it dynamically on button click there is an easy way of doing this using the page button template (instead of creating DA on each modal page ).

Create a copy of your button template and add to it a CSS class, for example closeModal:

After that add JS that closes modal page (to the page template or JS file):

The final step is to change your button template to the newly created one. Also, check that your button Action property is defined as "Defined by Dynamic Action".

I've also created a plugin for this, so if somebody needs it, send me an email. But I think that using the above described approach is more convenient.